Reputation Management

Did you know that Google ranks restaurant search results based on both the Quality and the Volume of reviews? If you don't have a strategy to collect feedback from all of your customers, your restaurant is going to struggle to rank in search results. We created an automated system that requests feedback after each order, directs negative feedback to internal control channels, and enables positive feedback to be posted publicly.  

                                 Reputation Management Dashboard

Your Loyal onboarding specialist will help you connect all of your social media listings for your restaurant into your new Loyal Dashboard so you can manage your public reviews in one location. From your dashboard, you can view, edit, post, respond, and even automate feedback.

                               Automated SMS Texting for Order Feedback

Customers will receive an automated SMS Text 30 minutes after their order with a simple set of 5 faces to choose from, with the text "How did we do?" When any of the first 3 faces are selected, the user is directed to type their negative experience into a contact form that gets emailed directly to you. If one of the 2 happy faces are selected, the user is taken directly to your preferred social media site for your restaurant so the customer can post a public review.

                                  Incentivizing Reviews with Loyalty Points

Let's be honest. Most people don't take the time to post a review. So as a little incentive for those stubborn stragglers who ignore your messages, why not give them a reason to post a review?

Inside your customers' loyalty screen, one of the ways they can earn points is by posting a verified review. While they are logged into their Loyal account, if they select "Post a review", the will be directed to a list of social media sites they can select to post a review on your Restaurant.

Unlike the automated post-order reviews we collect, this method does not provide a safety net against negative reviews. Restaurants have the options to disable this feature. However, we find that since this is likely a return customer that is actively managing their loyalty points when they are presented with this tool, you can expect more satisfied customer reviews than you would typically receive.

How many points they earn for a review can be customized by you. What is a review worth to your business?

                                 Let A.I. Respond to reviews instantly

With all these new reviews, your going to need a plan to manage your listings. It's very easy to automate this process in your Reputation Management Dashboard. Simply set-up auto responses using our built in ChatGPT that offers appreciation for positive reviews, and a request for direct contact for negative reviews. Alternatively, you can override A.I. anytime and manually respond to any review by changing the settings in your dashboard. Responses can be typed directly in your dashboard and will post directly to your listing.

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